Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Live webcam feed

If the image says 'offline', please press F5 or Refresh to reset the webcam feed.


Anonymous said...

continually 'too many viewers'. Pity.

TomP said...

Nice to see everything taking shape. See you all soon! Tom

Chris J Dixon said...

It would have been nice to have a view of the eastern side of the site to see the other venues.

Steve Dean said...

ANother great festival. It's always sad to leave. Great news about our worthy patrons. I was moved to write an ode:

Ode to the Patrons

There are two men who stand out tall
You'll never find them blubbing to the matron
They fight our cause, deserve applause
and we are justly very proud to call them Patron

The first is quite a man, a gifted singer
His voice can chill you to the bones
and then again he'll put you through the wringer
He's just a man, but what a man, the great John Jones

His band appeals to men and lasses
Though not as big as the Rolling Stones
He looks so good in those sunglasses
He's just a man, but what a man, the great John Jones

The second shines just like a light
and though his clothes can be unsightly
we know his attitude is right
He's just a man, but what a man, the great Steve Knightley

He'll fight your cause and do it well
it's not a job he takes on lightly
He won't be hiding in his shell
He's just a man, but what a man, the great Steve Knightley

So let's be glad they're on our side
and let us thank them both indeed
for through their toil they give us pride
They're just the kind of heroes that we need.

SD 2011